““Prescribe yourself the same so that you can bask in the humor and warmth of this gorgeous novel.” ”
Bed Rest
What's it about?
Quinn "Q" Boothroyd is a young British lawyer married to an American and living in New York City. She's checked off most of the boxes on her "Modern Woman's List of Things to Do Before Hitting 30", and her busy working life has been relatively painless. But when her doctor tells her she must spend the last three months of her pregnancy lying in bed, Q is thrown into a tailspin. Initially bored and frustrated, Q's days soon fill up as she tries to reconnect with her workaholic husband, provide legal advice for her sweet Greek neighbor, find romance for a loyal co-worker, forge new emotional bonds with her mother and sisters, and figure out who will keep her stocked up in cookies and sandwiches.
Q experiences adventures on the couch she never would have encountered in the law firm, and learns a lot about herself and what she wants out of life, above all about the little one growing inside of her.
How did you come up with the idea?
I wrote this novel when I was pregnant with my first child. Every one I knew seemed to have a "normal" pregnancy - and I thought I was having one too, right up until I was ordered to bed. Lying on my left side for ten weeks, as instructed, I began to dream up a novel about a woman whose life came crashing to a halt . . .
““[H]onest and irreverent ... I laughed out loud and I couldn’t put it down.” ”